Mahogany is probably the most interested in what is going on around him. He has shown quite a bit of intellegence from early on. He does have a tendancy to leave his tounge out a bit. Cute!
August 18th, 2013 - 16 days old -3.26 lbs.
August 26th, 2013 - 24 days old - 4.52 lbs.
September 2nd, 2013 - 31 days old - 5.72 lbs.
September 8th, 2013 - 37 days old - 6.85 lbs. a new family to call your own.
I will miss you Riley. Be a good Boy!
August 10th, 2013 - 8 days old - 2.04 lbs.
From the first family you have ever known...