There are 9 puppies available. See details below. The next litters will likely be in the spring of 2025.

Kinzie / Captain had 6 puppies on August 2nd. 3 boys and 3 girls. They will be ready to go home on September 20th.
There are 2 boys avaiable from this litter.

The girls like to come in season at the same time and we had 3 big litters totaling 32 puppies.
There are 8 of these older puppies available. They are crate trained and current on vaccines and prevention.
Contact me about special pricing for the older puppies.

Why get an older puppy? Here are some pluses:

  • A savings since some vaccines and prevention are already on board.
  • They sleep thru the night now. Bladders are bigger.
  • They are ready to play with other family pets.
  • Puppy bitey phase is pretty much done. They spent that chewing on their siblings.
  • Potty breaks go from every 20 minutes with a 7 week old puppy to about every hour when they are up and active.
  • They are almost fully vaccinated. Thats when you can safely take your puppy places like hikes, breweries, stores, etc.

These are the available older puppies. Click on a puppy to see thier webpage.
Here are a few videos of the older puppies. Tree Trimming, My best friend..., Your my best friend!

See more about these litters on the Puppy Tales page. We dont want you to miss a thing!