March 2nd - These babies are doing so great! They are eating dry food and drinking water. Using the litter box like big puppies. Heaven likes to sit with them sometimes but those nails and teeth are painful so she cant take it too long and she lays on her belly so they cant get to her. They will be weaned soon.
Took a quick video yesterday. So much personalities! Vet check next week!
Click on one of the litters to see the Puppy Tales for that litter.
Heaven's Puppy Tales
February 21st - The puppies are growing fast. They are eating well. Heaven still nurses often and sometimes just likes to lay with them. They have started using the litter box. YAY! This makes my life easier for sure.
Sylvester was so cute for his pictures this week. Check out this video of him during his photoshoot.
February 16th- Heaven and her puppies are doing well. They are playing in between naps and eating. A few monsters have trouble walking because they are so big. They will get there.
They have been dewormed with Panacur. Again at 4 and 6 weeks old.
They started food on Thursday. I did not expect them to be super interested since they are clearly getting enough to eat. BOY was I wrong. I had to take the food up when their bellys were so full they looked like Umpa Lumpas. This morning they actually stopped when full. Good to see that. Big eaters this group. They are eating wet puppy food twice a day. Check out this video of the puppies eating puppy food for the first time.
February 9th- Heaven is doing a great job feeding these chubby puppies. They are starting to spread out after they eat rather than pile up on each other. Heaven lays with them alot. Sometimes just to be close and snuggle.
February 4th- Heaven and her puppies are doing great. They are like little walruses. Strong and chubby! Greatful for that. Their eyes and ears are open. Its interesting to see the difference in the 2 litters. They are just a few days apart in age!
January 23rd- Heaven had her puppies today. She had 9 puppies. 6 boys and 3 girls. One of the little boys is very tiny. He spends most of the time in the incubator with oxygen to make breathing easier for him. Send up those prayers for "Gabriel". He needs some extra help from God so we named him after the Archangel Gabriel. The other puppies and Heaven are doing well.
Legend's Puppy Tales
March 2nd- Legend's puppies started dry food today. They are drinking water too. They are still trying to figure out the litter box. They will get there. It just taking them just a bit longer. Legend goes in to feed them and grabs a toy and gets the heck out. OUCH she says...
These are cookie cutter puppies. They look so similar. Take a look at this quick video I took yesterday.
February 23rd - Legend puppies have been little eating machines! Great to see. They have a litter box now. Hopefully they will get the hang of using it soon.
The puppies are moving around well now and playing alot more. They will be trying to get out of the whelping box any time now.
February 16th- Yay... 3 weeks old! This is the date we pray for. Our safe place. Puppies are stronger and thriving at 3 weeks. Legend is feeling good. Eating well. Her puppies are exploring the whelping box some. Playing with the toys and each other a bit. Even started doing the frankenstein walk.
Puppies were dewormed at 2 weeks. Again at 4 and 6 weeks.
They started food yesterday. They will be eating wet puppy food twice a day. Check out this video.
Here is a video of Legend and her puppies this morning. So funny, she didnt stir when they were crawling all over her head. I feel like that some mornings too. No judgement here.
February 9th- Legend and her puppies are doing well. Their day is eat, sleep, repeat. Legend goes in and out taking care of them. In between that she is busy Then gathering stuffies and piling them up in different areas around the room. Silly girl!
February 3rd- Finally catching up. Funny, when taking legend puppies pictures I realized that one puppy we had listed as a boy was actually a girl. Quick name change for her. Guess I better double check the others. :-)
I wanted to share a few precious pictures of the puppies that passed away out of respect for them. We were hoping they would rally but their little bodies were just not strong enough. What brings me comfort is to believe that there are special ones in heaven that needed a puppies to love. Never gets any easier...
January 28th- Legend had her puppies via csection on January 25th. This was a litter of 15. Sadly, with the big litters, chances of puppies failing to thrive is more common. Legend is doing well and taking great care of her babies. Right now the remaining 10 are growing stronger and gaining weight. We are watching them closely and saying our prayers.